vol04/歴史から紐解く湯の多様性 Revealing the Complex Meanings of Japanese Hot Springs
温泉文化史の面白さを探る Exploring History of Hot Spring Cultures!

3. 薬としての温泉—湯屋温泉—(ケース・スタディ2)
Hot Springs as Healing Water: Yuya Onsen (Case Study 2)
Part 1:どんなお湯?Try Out the Spring Water!


It is exciting to hear about a hot spring area that still retains the culture of drinking spring water in Japan. I thought, "I want to know more!" and decided to visit the Yuya Hot Spring in Osaka, Gero City, Gifu Prefecture.

Kusatsu in March 2021

It, however, took months to actually go there. If you've watched the video of Kusatsu, did you notice that it was snowing at that time? (See left)

実はあの後、新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大のため、何度も岐阜への出発を延期することに なったんです。やがて春が来て夏になり、暑さのピークも過ぎて秋の気配が漂う頃、やっと湯屋温泉がある飛騨小坂駅に降り立ちました。

After that, due to the worsening pandemic situation, I had to postpone my departure to Gifu many times, and then spring and summer came and went. Then after the heat had passed its peak, I finally landed at Hida-Osaka Station where Yuya Onsen is located. There were already signs of autumn.

湯屋温泉の地図 Map Showing the Location of Yuya Hot Spring
(Base map source: Google Map)

1)はるばると、やってきました! I Came All the Way Here!


A long-awaited trip to the Yuya Hot Spring. I was so excited to see the area with my own eyes.

ビデオ4 (湯屋温泉ってどんなお湯?Try Out the Yuya Spring Water!)

ビデオ使用音楽 Music Used:

変わりゆく温泉の定義 Changing Definitions of "Onsen"

Here is a bit of knowledge about Japanese hot springs.


We usually use the word onsen (hot spring) in a casual manner, like "let's go to onsen" or "let's take an onsen bath." Its exact meaning in history, however, is not so simple. First let's think about what onsen exactly means today. According to the modern Japanese hot spring law, some waters can be called onsen while others cannot be called such. The modern definition is: 1) underground water with temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius or above; or 2) underground water that contains a certain amount of dissolved substances. However, the meanings and roles of hot springs have changed over a long period of Japanese history, and there are complicated aspects that cannot be explained by the modern definition alone. In pre-modern times, there was not a clear and strict definition like today. By analyzing historical materials from the past, we can imagine what onsen meant to people at a different point of time.


One aspect I'd like to note is the relationship between onsen and soaking the whole body in it (this action is called "iriyu"). Regardless of temperature (hot or cold) of the spring, there seems to have been a tendency in premodern times to view the water as onsen when it was expected to cure specific or unspecified diseases through iriyu (soaking the entire body in it).

Taking the Yuya Onsen bath!


I enjoyed the carbonated spring of the Yuya Onsen. I found that going back and forth between cold and warm baths was addictive. It was a rare experience.

ビデオ5(湯屋温泉に入ってみた! Taking the Yuya Onsen Bath!)

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What Does Yuya Hot Spring Taste Like?: At the Spring Fountain

ビデオ6(湯屋温泉を飲んでみた! Drinking Yuya Onsen!)

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Knowing that it's a "drinkable hot spring!," I went to a Yuya spring fountain and drank the gensen (spring drawn from the source).To tell the truth, I was not fond of its iron flavor. (← Please remember that this is just my preference. You might totally like it!)


In addition to drinking gensen as it is, Yuya Onsen is consumed in various ways today. Although the photos below are not about pre-modern examples, they nonetheless introduce delicious cuisines from today, the Reiwa era😋


The picture below is the hot pot dish using the Yuya Hot Spring.



Here is the pot on the upper left, in which Hida beef and local vegetables are going to be cooked. Can you see a little golden-colored component accumulated in the bottom of the broth? Actually, this broth is based on Yuya Onsen. I found it's a good idea because using the onsen would help us warm up from inside, too. Also, please look to the right. Can you see the roasted freshwater fish in a dark brown sake bottle? This is handmade sake. I tried it and found it matching well with the hot pot. I thought that a nice "marriage" of the food and drink was created on the table.



Can you see the rice porridge for breakfast (lower left and upper right)? It is also cooked with Yuya Onsen. I liked its nice and homey taste. I also enjoyed it with miso soup with lots of ingredients and "Hōba-misoyaki*," a local dish of the Hida-Takayama region in Gifu.

* 朴葉みそ焼き:味噌に刻んだネギやショウガを混ぜ、朴葉の上で焼く岐阜県飛騨高山ひだたかやま地方に伝わる料理です。椎茸やその他の具も加えて、美味しくアレンジできます。

Hōba-misoyaki: As seen above, miso mixed with condiments such as green onion and ginger, as well as other ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, are all baked on magnolia leaves.

Yakushi:Let's Go to the Healing Buddha Hall

ビデオ7(薬師堂もうで Paying A Visit to the Healing Buddha Hall)

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