vol04/歴史から紐解く湯の多様性 Revealing the Complex Meanings of Japanese Hot Springs
温泉文化史の面白さを探る Exploring History of Hot Spring Cultures!

Part 2:近世の巻物とレシピ The Early Modern Scroll and the Recipe

1)奥田家に代々伝わる『飛州小坂大洞出湯記ひしゅうおさかおおぼらいでゆき』を見よう! Let's Look at the Record of Osaka Ōbora Hot Spring in Hida Province: The Scroll Passed down in Okuda Family for Generations


From now, I'm going to achieve the main goal of this Yuya hot spring visit. It is, as I mentioned earlier, to look at the Record of Osaka Ōbora Hot Spring in Hida Province.


Right now, I'm at the Okuda-san's house. Mr. Okuda, who owns the scroll, is kindly letting me take a look at it. Thank you so much.

ビデオ8(日本中世の温泉!?古い巻き物をひもとこう。Let's look at the old scroll about medieval hot springs):

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Below, I will summarize the main content of the scroll introduced in the previous video and add some more details.


OKABE Toshimasa, the author of the Record of Osaka Ōbora Hot Spring in Hida Province, had been suffering from chest and back problems for a long time. He wrote, "I tend to have an upset stomach, loss of appetite, a headache, and difficulty sleeping at night. This awful feeling of exhaustion and a loss of energy must be due to various diseases that I contracted."

まのおく 世にたくひなく出るゆ 人のしらさる事そかなしき
めやくめ くむみくすりのもとつか そなはりてあるあぢの五つを
なじなに 五つのあぢは人のみ こころありてもなきもかはらす

It's sad that people don't know about this uniquely wonderful hot spring deep in the mountains.
Let's get some! The medicine you can scoop here is blessed with five flavors because of its key effective element.
The five different flavors are equally effective for those with a heart (i.e. humans and animals) and those without a heart (i.e. plants).




When you read the first Japanese syllable of each poem in a row is read as "Ya-ku-shi." Likewise, when you read the last sound of the second phrase of each poem in a row, it is read as "Osaka."
What do these words suggest? Here, "Yakushi" means the Healing Buddha. And "Osaka" is the area I'm visiting now (= Yuya hot spring)


By analyzing this poem, Toshimasa figured that the Healing Buddha was telling him to visit a place called "Osaka" to heal his illness, so he searched the location and came all the way to this area—Osaka in Hida. Then, he tried to cure himself with the Yuya's spring, and as a result, he ultimately recovered. While being here, he wrote the Record of Osaka Ōbora Hot Spring to help people of later generations who would also visit Osaka to cure their illness.

 Believing Oracles in Your Dream?

This section offers a bit of knowledge about oracles from gods and buddhas in premodern Japan.


Musō means that a god or buddha appears in a dream and tells you a message. You might think "What? Believing in such fantasy?," but it is not uncommon in premodern Japan. In fact, other sources from the Heian and Kamakura times (794-1333) also show that contemporary people made important decisions based on their dreams. These examples tell us that for medieval and early-modern Japanese people, what they saw in their dreams had a great impact on their lives. Were their attitudes extremely different from ours?
Well, come to think of this, we can find various places that have preserved the faith and culture of the Healing Buddha and transmitted legends to future generations in modern times. Under difficult and uncertain situations due to the pandemic, many of us today might have felt like "a drowning man would grasp at a straw.*" In other words, we can understand or even relate to medieval people who tried any capable measures to cure their illness.
* The meaning of this phrase: In a crisis, a drowning man will try to use all the available resources at hand.

Toshimasa's Recipe: Let's Make a Medicine by Decocting the Hot Spring Water!

ビデオ9(どんな「薬湯」ができるかな? What Kind of "Medicine Water" Will It Be?)

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